Privacy and terms
Forums are not for secret conversations. Please consider using GPG encryption for those. Once each week, old messages get deleted to cut down to 150 entries in total. Data from your usage will only be used to make this site function properly, and will be deleted as mentioned above.
Background information
My name is Ngai Chun Cheung and i have been developing and running this here since 2002. I'm not selling your data or making money with this. This is my contribution to everyone who wants to make a website. Leaving a trail of thousand origami cranes by Ngai Chun Cheung, born in Germany, 1986.
Copy and paste forum HTML Code
Forum is ready to use! Clean, fast and simple. To install your new box just copy and paste this HTML Code into the source code of your website. And start to have fun. No sign up process required. This application was developed to meet basic needs primarily, and comes with absolutely no warranty.
Get your own free forum instantly
The new forum can be placed on your blog or website. Your visitors can use it to chat with you and others at the same time. This is a great interactive add-on that makes everybody come back for more messages. Give this chat widget a try and see how it performs. Copy and paste HTML Code into your pages!
Engage your visitors in near real time
You can adjust the width and height values for a perfect fit. The versatile form factor is handy for active social events such as live chat or open discussion, while at the same time appropriate for passive environments like casual commenting on a blog. All you need to do is to embed this forum into your website.
Your visitors have awesome ideas
Use this forum to get connected with your audience. Explore different ideas. They have a lot of comments. Are you ready to listen? Build amazing websites in a social community! Without leaving a big footprint. Lightweight and hassle-free. This box is the easiest way to get real feedback for all your pages.
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